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Ministry of Presence

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Our Ministry of Presence is made up of people who care about walking you through times of grief and loss. Our ministry of presence offers grief support groups and retreats and our parish is committed to serving all people in different life situations. Let us know how we can help! For more information, contact Karen Anderson, the leader of our Ministry of Presence, by calling the parish office at 608-987-3361.
Ministry of Presence Events 
For information on grief support gatherings please call our parish office at 608-987-3361.
Ministry of Presence Blog

Happy Valentines Day! 


Even with all the hype and flowers and commercialism that surrounds this day, the concept that we are encouraged to celebrate love, is good and wonderful. 

To be loved and to love, a wonderful gift. I recently read a poem by Mary Oliver, The Gift, and I think like a number of her writings the message could have a different meaning for each reader. As I read this particular piece, it made me think what would I write about if I was writing the poem called, The Gift?

Maybe because it is Valentine's day and this is where my thoughts are, but the gift of the ability to love and to know love, is the big gift or true gift for me. Because where would we be without it? Probably consumed in darkness, and war and hate and disappointment and despair. The ability and desire to love lifts us above the darkness and into light of hope and trust and goodness. No not perfect. But with the resilience that we can rise above or make a difference or that goodness is better than darkness. That to love and be loved makes our world bigger. 

Our capacity to love if you stop to think on it has to be the Devine gift. And to love on so many levels.

After losing two big loves in my life I was confused and and looking for direction. What in the world was God thinking? What was God asking of me? Where was I going from here? Losing the two I felt the most love from, both in different ways and for different reasons. But I knew love and was loved this I was sure of.  Then I was drawn to explore the idea of discerning becoming a Dominican Associate. I felt I really was in a deep search for my purpose, my life, my God. But to my surprise, what I found was a new love. The love of a community. How broad our opportunity to love and to be loved. I am beyond grateful for, "The Gift", that has been given.

So today my friends where ever you find yourself, know how much you are loved. May you know God's love and grace. May you know my love and appreciation for your gift of friendship. May the love and care of our divine physician bring you healing and rest. 

Know that today I hold you in loving prayer.


Karen Anderson

Ministry of Presence Team


The Gift

Be still, my soul, and steadfast.

Earth and heaven both are still waiting

 though time is draining from the clock and your walk, 

that was once confident and quick has become slow.

So, be slow if you must, but let the heart still play it's true part.

Love still as you once loved, deeply and without patience. 

Let God and the world know you are grateful.

That the gift has been given.

- Mary Oliver


Posted by Karen Anderson 2/14/2023





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